Origins: Excerpts from Nehemiah Bull's Will
Nehemiah's Will | Bull Family Property
Nehemiah Bull was explicit about his plans for his children:
... And my will is that my son William get well Educated in the Lattin and Greek tongues of Natural Philosophy and when he comes to be of A Suitable age to live with a Doctor ad then he be put to some Skillful Physitian [sic] and that my other Children be well educated for such Imployment [sic] as shall be found agreeable to their Genius and Disposition.
Nehemiah Bull appointed two executors, individuals who would make sure that his wishes were followed, in his will: his "dear and loving wife" and her only brother, Oliver Partridge of Hatfield, Massachusetts. In the will, he instructed his wife and her brother to sell the family home and property and to use the money to take care of any debts and to provide for his widow...
so long as she shall continue my widow and what remains thereof afterwards to be divided equally among to my children... |
-- Excerpts from the Hampshire Country Registry of Deeds, Northampton, Massachusetts, Box. 22, no. 16.
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