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In the Classroom > Course Overview
2. Bull's Life
Origins Training Military Service Trade Family Later Years

Service: Moving up in Status

Enlisting | Moving Up | French & Indian Wars | Reenlisting | Last Reenlistment


In 1755, Colonel Israel Williams, member of one of area's most important socially and politically elite families of the time, appointed John Partridge Bull to be the armorer for the regiment of Ephraim Williams, another member of the elite family. Two additional Williams' family members served in the regiment, Dr. Thomas Williams -- a surgeon -- and Elijah Williams -- a commissary.

The job of the armorer was to keep the regiment's small arms (anything smaller than a small cannon) in good repair. It was a tribute to Bull's expertise to be placed in such a position. Some credit must be given to Bull's Hatfield, Massachusetts connections to the Partridge family; Colonel Israel Williams was also from Hatfield and would have known of the Partridges.


-- Citation?



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