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History Lessons By Teachers

Once Upon a Time

Created 15 May 2007 by Jonelle Monaco

Grade Level(s): upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): Colonial 1600 - 1750, New Nation 1750 - 1800, Expansion 1800 - 1860, Civil War Era 1860 - 1880, Progressive Era 1880 - 1914, Two World Wars 1914 - 1945, Contemporary Era 1945 to present
Content Area(s): World History, English Language Arts, Art, US History, Economics, Civics/Government

Bangwell Putt rag doll

Jesse Bowman, Abenaki logger and basketmaker, with daughter Marion Flora Bowman

Lot Survey of Deerfield

Arosen's Sash


Fourth Meeting House (1729-1824)

Basket with cover

"The American Anti-Slavery Almanac for 1838"

Russell Cutlery Company Birds-Eye View

Town Hall

Sophie Dahowski and Infant

"Mack the Giant Ox" Banner

Camp Meeting Residence

"Onion Harvest"

Summary and Objective

Students will understand how to make personal connections with history via information pertaining to their own family history and immigration. Students will browse artifacts that are bookmarked for them (these can be adjusted to meet the needs of your students' cultural backgrounds). They will seek to find one which has relevance either to their cultural background or to the time frame that their personal immigration information is from. Student choices should be monitored to avoid students selecting the same artifacts as others in the class. This will ensure that the timeline is diverse.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Prior to this online activity, students will find information from family members about their ancestors' history of immigration and design a timeline fact card containing the information and an approximate date. It should be clarified that students choose only one immigrant ancestor to focus on. If family information is sensitive or unavailable, premade fact cards on real immigrants can be made by accessing the Ellis Island Website or students can use information from friends or neighbors. Such situations may require further assistance from the teacher and should be handled with the utmost regard for the sensitivity of the students.

Step 2. Students will search through bookmarked artifacts and choose one which has relevance to either their cultural background or the time period of their immigration information. Additional items can be searched for and added if necessary to avoid duplicate artifacts on the timeline. The teacher should accommodate cultural diversity here by helping students search the digital collection for additional artifacts if necessary.

Step 3. Students will make an artifact display card for their chosen artifact which will highlight the significance of the artifact and the time period from which it comes which should correlate to the time period of their immigration information. Artifacts will be illustrated and hung with relevant immigrant fact cards along the timeline.

Step 4. When timeline is complete, students will share information according to chronological order and deepen their connection with history and immigration.

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