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History Lessons by Teachers

Index of All Lessons

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Lesson Author Lesson Title
, Native American Possessions
, Native Beads
, The controversial nature of US involvement in WWI
Adolph, Sarah Early American Lighting
Alves, Helena Surviving the Wilderness
Andy, Wood Jefferson's Embargo: Decisive leadership or naive ignorance?
Antes, Ceil School life then and now
Antes, Ceil How Did Lucy Locket lose Her pocket?
Antes, Ceil Who Are Your Neighbors?
April, Michael The Hat You're At
Ascolillo, Anthony Student Investigator - "The Boston Massacre"
Aubin, Stephanie The Changing Face of New England Schools
Aubin, Stephanie Determining Perspective in Art of the American Revolution
Aucoin, Deanna Everything is a Give and Take
Baker, Justin Propaganda and its use in U.S. History
Baldwin, Mark Pioneer Valley Immigration
Baldwin, Mark Where was the Klan?
Baldwin, Mark Two Schools of Thought: Hudson River vs. Ashcan Schools
Baldwin, Mark War Protests: Civil War and Vietnam
Bechtel, Stephen Getting Around
Beebe, Dwight A home in the wilderness: Building in Colonial America
bell, patricia Architectural Floor Plan and Pictures
Bell, Patricia Whately Pottery
Bernard, Marcia Our Flag - A Symbol of America
Bernard, Marcia A Man's Home Is His Castle: The Story of the Erving Castle
Bernashe, Kimberly The transformation of America's schoolhouses
Biancuzzo, Kristen Stories in Cloth
Bill, Knittle Compare and Contrast - Life At Home In Early America
Bill, Knittle Snowshoe Speeds
Biron, Allison The sweetness of sap!
Bishop, Suzanne Reactions to Polish immigrants
Bisiewicz, Susan Quilts: Memories and Stories
Bisiewicz, Susan Schools: Today and Yesterday
Bisiewicz, Susan Toys: Today and Yesterday
Blasioli, Sandra South Carolina's Secession - Was it Justified?
Blasioli, Sandra The Constitution and Shays Influence
Blazejowski, Katie George Washington: American Revolution to President
Boehmer, Mary Toys through Time
Bolte, Peggy Basket-making in the Connecticut River Valley
boraski, susan Health Care Practices Then and Now
boraski, susan The Tory and Whig Perspectives
Boron, Jane Children Same and Different
Bourque, Kristine Baking Graham Crackers - designed for Special Ed. students
Bouyea, Jeff Comparison Dred Scott Articles
Boyea, Sue Time Saving Inventions
Boyer, Sonia World War I Propaganda and the American Home Front
Bredin, KAthie Fourth of July: Then and Now
Bredin, Kathie African American Experiences During the Revolutionary Era
Breen, Susan What's the Problem?
Breen, Susan I Feel Sick
Breen, Susan Exploring Job Opportunities of the Mid 1800s
Breger, Leslie Parties Involved in the 1704 Raid on Deerfield
Breger, Leslie Modern, Colonial, and Ancient Egyptian Furniture Comparison
Breger, Leslie Local Interest in the Civil Rights Movement in 1963
breines, susan From Sheep To Wool
Breines, Susan MAIZE
Breines, Susan To Everything There Is a Season: Making Butter
Brennan, Susan The Beginning of South Hadley
Brenneman, Joy The Little Red Hen - Then and Now
Brennen, Marguerite What's My Line?
bresnahan, christine Old School, New School
Bridgewater, Kathleen Home Sweet Home: Hand Tools and Woodworking
Bridgewater, Kathleen Sickness and Health: 1790-1860
Broadhurst, Joan Tools and Simple Machines, Comparing Past and Present
Brower, Sharon Quilts and Geometry
Brower, Sharon Stories through Fabric
Brown, Aimee The Thoughts of a Civil War Soldier
Brown, Kevin Look at the Sky, Youngster!
Brunaccioni, Jeremy Early American Appliances: In the Kitchen
Bryant, Karen From Sheep to Wool
Bryant, Karen George Washington, American Idol
Bryant, Karen The Silk Industry of Florence and Leeds
Bryant, Karen I Spy: Finding Clues to the Past
Bryant, Karen Maps Then and Now: A Closer Look
Burk, Dale Native American Beadwork: Traditional Skills, Changing Times
Burke, Marilyn "So What Are We Going To Do About It?" The McCarthy Era
Burke, Marilyn Educating Children Into Society
Burke, Marilyn The Changing Role of Religion in US Education
Burke, Sunday A Ball for George!
Buschner, Barbara One Bowl, Two Bowls, Old Bowls, New Bowls!
Bussler, Anne Who Is Who in Women's Suffrage
Bussler, Anne Experience A One Room School House
Calabrese, Donna What was it like to be a Captive?
Calabrese, Donna Constitution Day: Remembering Luke Day in Shays' Rebellion
cann, elyse Immigration in the Pioneer Valley: A Poem in Two Voices
Cann, Elyse Emancipation ...or not, Western Massachusetts
Cannon, April New England River Valley Map Project
Cannon, April The Pilgrim and the Wampanoags
Cannon, April Anti-bullying Lessons Then and Now
Cantwell, Renee The Lives and Times of Women
Card, James Schools of the Past – Schools of the Future
carew, dale Building a Classroom Model of a Glacier
carew, dale Impact of the Glacial Epoch on the Connecticut River Valley
Carr, Michelle Toys: Past and Present
Casey, Geoffrey Public Response to the 1918-1919 Flu Pandemic
Cerone, Dianne The Great Depression
Champagne, Jennifer Connecting to Children of the Past
Champagne, Jennifer Understanding Indentured Servants
Charren, Deborah Gift Giving: Then and Now, At Home and Abroad
Charren, Deborah Commerce in the Colonies: Barter, Coinage and Currency
Chase, Anita Chests of the Connecticut River Valley
Chase, Anita Itinerant Artists
Chesnicka, Julie King Philip's War - Forming Opinions In History
Chismer, Crystal Changes in Europe 1822-Present
Chismer, Crystal Where to Build a Dam and Mill/ Hydroelectric Facility
Chismer, Crystal Geography
choiinard, deborah Pickling and Preserving
Chouinard, Kitchen Gardens
clydesdale, lynn Spice It Up!
Collins, Debra The Depression on the Home Front.
Collins, Debra Immigration: Have We Really Changed?
Collins, Debra Meet me at the Fair!
Colson-Montgomery, Patricia All Work and No Play
Colson-Montgomery, Patricia History of Board Games
Colson-Montgomery, Patricia The Legend of the Great Beaver
Conroy, Rebecca Toys and Games Now and Then
Covey, Donna Deerfield - Changes in Transportation Routes
Cox, Jim Home Inventories: Material Culture in Early America
Cox, Jim Early American Textbooks: Truth or Tall Tales
Crossman, Judith Who Wants Pancakes?
Curtis, Cheryl Simple Machines of Yesterday
Curtis, Cheryl Chores of Yesterday
Cycz, Donna Analyzing Historical Artifacts
Cycz, Donna The Legend of the Beaver
Cycz, Donna Black on White: The Silhouette
Cycz, Donna Trading For Needs and Wants
cynthia, milkiewicz Early 19th Century Tradesmen
cynthia, milkiewicz Slavery in the North
Czerniak, Karen Alien Invasion
daignault, mary Comparing Dolls Across the Centuries
Dana, Brad Colonial Life: The Tools We Use
Dastoli, Elaine Colonial Apprentices
Davey, Vicki From Simple Beginnings to Modern Comfort
Dawson-Greene, Tracy Finding the Causes and Effects of the Mill River Flood
Dawson-Greene, Tracy Women's Suffrage: opposing views
Dawson-Greene, Tracy Comparing Lives of Apprentices and Servants for life
Deborah, Rice Analyzing dress in 18th and 19th c. America
Della Giustina, Amber Formation of Anti-Slavery Societies
delman, anne Pictures Without Cameras
delman, anne Household Items Old and New
delvecchio, grace Compare and Contrast Indentured Servitude with Slavery
Denise, Petrin Antislavery in Massachusetts
Deschamps, Kathleen What Would My Daddy Do?
desjardins, charlene Early to Bread, Early to Rise
desjardins, charlene The Ever-Changing Wapanoag Wardrobe
Deveney, Eileen Kitchens Then and Now
Deveney, Eileen Mosaic of a Corn Legend
Deveney, Eileen Family Heirloom Investigation
Deveney, Eileen Baking Cornbread Then and Now
Di Silvio, Laila What Makes a Civilization?
Di Silvio, Laila American Voting Rights Timeline
Dichter, Beth Advertisements, Posters and Letters: The Media in War Time
Dichter, Beth You Say You Want a Revolution....
Dihlmann, Barbara Comparing Then and Now
Dole, Lynn Town Meeting: A Local Example of Direct Democracy
Dole, Lynne Perspectives on Change: Reading the Landscape over Time
Donelan, Maureen A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Dore, Janice The Silk Industry: From Far East to Connecticut River
Dore, Janice Why Farm?
Dore, Janice An Abbreviated Life - Thomas Ashley (1894-1918)
Dore, Janice Arts and Crafts Movement 1880-1920
Dore, Janice Greenfield Tap and Die: An Economic Review
Dore, Janice Let Your Voice Be Heard: Freedom & Courage in a Democracy
Dore, Janice Soil: the Tablecloth under the Banquet of Civilization
Dorman, Todd Rivers of Fabric
Douglas, Damon Trading Beaver Pelts
Douglas, Damon The Life and Times of Sarah Bishop
dranka, linda Toys and Games throughout the Centuries
Dredge, Scott WWI and Stateside Involvement of the Pioneer Valley
Drew, J. Andrea Toys and Books: Then and Now
Drumm, Joanne Massachusetts - To ratify or not to ratify?
Dubilo, Ligia WWII Rationing
Ducharme, Janet To Grandfather's House We Go..Then and Now
DuCharme, Janet Native People Using Natural Resources
DuCharme, Janet The American Flag-Symbols of Today and Yesterday
DuCharme, Janet Finding Our Voice-A Lesson from Phyllis Wheatley, Slave Poet
Duggan, James Sacco and Vanzetti Case
Dupras, Annmarie What's Happening Here?
Dupras, Annmarie Factories Bring Change
Dzierzanowski, Gwenn Kitchen Concentration
Easton, Lee Domestic Chores Then and Now
Ebitz, Susan Happenstance Heroes, Villians, and the Mill River Disaster
Eckert, Margaret Use "Will" Power to Change Your World
Eckert, Margaret Capital Punishment Then and Now
Edgerly, Chuck Exploring history through inventories
Edgin, Laura A Day In The Life. . . The World War II Homefront
Edgin, Laura Path of Destruction
Edgin, Laura World War I Propaganda: How and Why It Was Used
Eichorn, Kathleen Children's Clothing - Fact and Opinion
eichorn, kathy The Hundred Dresses and the treatment of immigrants.
Eldred, Karen Tell Me, Tell Me, How Did You Do It?
Emily, Remer Social Reform through Religous Revival, 1820s-1850s
Engle, Carolyn Geography Standards Comparison/Contrast
Engle, Carolyn Five Themes of Geography and Cultural/Racial Stereotyping
Enko, Susan A Soldier's Personal View of the Civil War
Esposito, Patricia Sugar and Spice, Snips and Snails
Esposito, Patricia Burial Customs: 19th Century Deerfield and Ancient Egypt
Estock, Pam Indenture
ethan, forbes Child Labor in 1900
Everett, Faith Methods of Protest: Women's Suffrage
Everett, Faith Anti-Slavery Rally
Everett, Faith The Mill River Flood
Everett, Faith Haying with Horses
Fagan, Ellen Dolls Then and Now
Fagan, Ellen Staying Warm
fagan, ellen Pancakes for Breakfast: From the Past and into the Present
Fallon, Julie Wheels for Work and Play
fallon, julie Furniture from Home to Home
Fallon, Julie What Can You See?
Farrell, Linda Kitchen Utensils: Yesterday and Today
Farrell, Linda Children's Toys and Games
Farrell, Linda Children: Then and Now
Farrin, Mary Indentured Children of the Eighteenth Century
Farrin, Mary Metacom or King Philip's War
Farrin, Mary Understanding Shays' Rebellion
Fisher, Carole Historical Lifestyle Concentration Game
Fisher, Carole Liberty Pole
Fleuriel, Janice Uses of clay over time
Foulis, Jill First Impressions of the Reform Movement
Foy, Bridget Eisenhower and Sputnik
Frye, Robert Personal Salvation: Roots of Evangelicalism
Furash-Stewart, Randall Telling the Stories of Slaves
Furash-Stewart, Randall Greek and Roman Influence on America
Furash-Stewart, Randall Telling the Stories of Apprentices
galenski, charlene Mechanization Affects Agricultural Growth
Gamble, Clark Privileges to Exercise
Gamble, Clark Games and Toys, Girls and Boys
Garon, Lori Links to the Past
Gebo, Lynn Battles of Lexington and Concord Poetry Comparisons
George, Laura Documents & Artifacts Related to MA & the Revolutionary War
Gerry, Melissa You Can Be Heard!
Gerry, Melissa Ashes Seen 'Round the World
Gillane, Sean Comparing Attitudes: Three American Wars
GOELZ, LESLIE America Mobilizes for World War I
GOELZ, LESLIE New Deal Efforts In Massachusetts
GOELZ, LESLIE The Argument Over Women's Suffrage
GOELZ, LESLIE Government Treatment of Native Americans in the 19th Century
Golen, William Jackson, the Cherokee, and the Indian Removal Act of 1830
Goos, Kathy Deerfield Arts and Crafts Movement
Goos, Kathy George Fuller: 19th Century American Painter
Gordon, Randy World War II and the War on Terror
Gordon, Randy Vietnam and the Pioneer Valley
Grady, Cathy Health and Nutrition at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
Graichen, Allison Standing Tall on Propaganda, Falling Short on Accuracy
Green, Sheila Traveling On The Underground Railroad
Green, Sheila In the Footsteps of Sojourner Truth and Eleanor Roosevelt
Gruen, Robert So you're the little woman who wrote the book ...
Gruen, Robert Letters home from a Civil War soldier
Gula, Edwin Memorial Day--Sacrifice
Gullage, Teresa Transportation Then and Now
Gullage, Teresa Schools Then and Now
Gutierrez, Rebecca Legends
Gutierrez, Rebecca Colonial Occupations and Trades
Haar, Marcia Massachusetts Fights in the Civil War
haggerty, beth Two Battles 35 Years Apart-What Do They Share?
Haggerty, beth All in a Day's Work
Haggerty, beth A Young Person's Diary: 1859 and 2010
Haggerty, beth What Are We Teaching? Academics or Good Behavior?
Haggerty, beth Taverns and their signs
Hallowell, Annmarie It All Comes Out In The Wash ! ... Or Does It ?
Hardaker, Cyndy The War of 1812
Hawley, C The Pilgrims Land!
Hawley, C Moccasins!
Hawley, C Easy as A - B - C
Hazlett, Michele The Ice Man Cometh
Helmuth, Sara Out and About! A Transportation Activity
Hicks, Beth Family Possessions
Hicks, Beth Comparing Homes, Today and Long Ago
Higgins, Nanette "I Can't Believe It's Butter!"
hinds, robert Shays' Rebellion
Hinds, Robert Musket comparison
Hodgdon, Bonnie Maple Sugaring, a New England tradition
Hodgdon, Bonnie A Tale of Two Schools -" From One- Room to Dexter Park"
hogan, patty Slavery and Abolition: Attitudes in Western Massachusetts
Hogan-Cerasuolo, Patricia A Picture Says a Thousands Words
Holbrook, Pixie Formulating Questions Using Turn of the Century Photographs
Howard, Susie Put Yourself in the Picture
hoyt, jerry The Times They Are A Changing
Hoyt, Jerry The Rise and Fall of Towns in Franklin County, 1740-1880
Huggett, Gary War of 1812
Huggett, Gary Nineteenth Century People through Portraits and Silhouettes
Huggett, Gary Expected Social Roles of Women in the 19th Century
Illingsworth, Patricia Equal Rights are a "Dream" Within Reach!
Illingsworth, Patricia Comparing Food in Early New England and Ancient Greece
Imbriglio, Courtney Winter in New England: Then and Now
Imbriglio, Courtney Energy Uses: Then and Now
Ingram, Karen Children's Books
Izzo, Darryn New Town America – Establishing a Community
jacobson, elizabeth My Life in the Course of History
Jacobson, Elizabeth A Day in My Life
Jaffe, Sheryl Native Artifacts: What Can They Tell Us About Culture?
Jagodowski, Ann Marie Susan B Anthony- A Fighter for Rights
Jensen-Derrig, Juli Our Constitution "RULES"!
Jeremy, Rogers Is reading believing?
Johanna, Halbeisen Native American People Pre-Contact and Post-Contact
John, Berneche A Nation Prepares for Civil War
Johnna, Hebert Then and Now Simple Machines
Johnson, Catherine What is a Primary Resource, Looking at Deeds.
Johnson-Corwin, Jennifer Use of a Census
Jordan, Cindy Work Made Simple--Then and Now
Jorgensen, Maureen What Does A Flag Stand For?
Judy, Ryan Looking at Hatfield in 1670
Kaczmarczyk, Steven Interviewing a President to Celebrate President’s Day
Kaczmarczyk, Steven George Washington's Birthday
Karmelek, Nancy Resources of the CT River Valley
Kearns, Julie Wobanakiak Home Sites
Keating, Maureen Beavers and Trade
Keating, Maureen Forging Ahead:The Blacksmith
Keefe, Johanna The Quabbin: How It Began
Kelly , Guertin Kitchens of the Past and Today
Kevin, Bechard The Great Depression: Dealing with unemployment
Kimberly, DeSorcy The existence of slavery in the north
Kimberly, DeSorcy It's not easy fighting for what you believe
King, Matthew Life in the Mills
Kirley, Jenny Is What My Great Grandmother Did for Fun Still Fun Today?
Kitfield, Nolan Quilting on the Oregon Trail
Kitfield, Nolan African American Experiences During the Pre-Civil War Era
Kitfield, Nolan Evidence of Attitudes Toward Immigrants: Who Belongs Here?
Kitfield, Nolan Sentiments for the Simple Items
Kittredge, Helen Using Landscape Paintings to Identify Clouds
Koonz, Kathleen Make a Rag Doll
kosterman, sandy Maps----Our Town and Your Town
Kosterman, Sandy Planting Potatoes--From Poland to the Conn. River Valley
Kosterman, Sandy Tools of Stone
Kovalchick, Christine Interpreting Various Maps of the Same Town
Kulig, Harriet The River and its Role in Industrialization
Kulig, Harriet "The March on Washington": A View From 1963
Kulig, Harriet Geography & the Study of Education in Expansionist America
Kulig, Harriet Business Life in a New England Town- 1870
kwiatkowski, nancy The Early American Game of Marbles
Land, Jackie Toast!
Lanoue, Deborah Native American
Lanza, Cynthia A Look at Our Town- Past and Present
Lanza, Cynthia A "Sampler" of a Young Girl's 18th Century Education
lapointe, janice Bangwell Putt, The Sequel
Lapointe, Janice Making Pockets
lapointe, janice Making Quilts
LaRose, Luanne Introducing Immigration
Larsen, Anne My Very Own Factory
Latka, Karen Indentured Servitude of Children in Western Massachusetts
Lau, Natalie African Americans: A View from New England
Lavigne, Patricia Keeping Track of Business
Leblanc, Gail Then and Now in the Town of Montague
Leblanc, Gail What's Your Angle?
Lefebvre, Joyce Toys: Then and Now
Lehmann, Carrie Primary Sources VS. Secondary Sources
leo, baldwin Pageants and the Depiction of Native Peoples
Liantonio, Lorraine Say, "Cheese"
Liantonio, Lorraine Do Onions Make You Cry?
Lilly, Brenda Paintings/Drawing of/by African Americans
Lindquist, Barbara The 1893 Chicago Columbian Exposition
Lindquist, Barbara What is the Meaning of Freedom?
Link, Mary A Sampling of Samplers
Lis, Angela Fire: Battling with Buckets
Lis, Angela V for Victory not Vanity
Lisa, Aubin Energy Consumption- Now and Long Ago- Keeping Warm
Lisa, Aubin A Food You Know, From Long Ago
Loiselle, Aimee Artifact Exploration
loud, alex Naturalization and the Census: Shaping American Identity
Lovell, Leanne Why Embroider?
Lovell, Leanne What is it Made From?
Lovell, Leanne Where Were the Animals?
Lovell, Leanne Completing Chores Throughout History
Lovell, Leanne A Photo Tells a Hundred Years
Lozanski-Byrnes, Barbara Martin Luther King and Civil Rights
Luppino, Susan Slavery in New England
Luppino, Susan What did they do for fun?
Lussier, Tina Trench Warfare WWI Created 16 Feb 2010 by Tina Lussier
Lyman, Diana Toys for Children Past and Present
Lynde, Vicky Work Then and Now
Lynn, Bechard Fugitive Slave Act - Where would you stand?
MacLeod, Jorie Tools of the Times
MacLeod, Jorie Old Tools - Simple Machines
Magee, Michele Polish Immigration - Western Massachusetts
Mahar, Scott World War I stories
Mari, Pati Saying Goodbye to My Quabbin Hometown
Marks-Sund, Entertainment: Now and Then
Martin, Alberta From Bangwell Putt To Barbie
McAleer, Maureen The Boston Tea Party - Examining the
McAleer, Maureen Now and Then
McCabe, Stephen Thanksgiving 1621, Thanksgiving present day
mccabe, stephen Slavery in Western Massachusetts
mccabe, stephen Dorothy Pryor: Oral Histories
McCain, Norma Many "Jacks" of Many Trades
McCauley, Pam The Shot Heard Round the World
McCollough, Jettie Moral Lessons in 19th Century School Books
McCollough, Jettie Beloved Possessions as Symbols
McCollough, Jettie "I Have Heard of a Land"- Wagon Trains to Freedom
McCormick, Nathalie Learning to Read: Then and Now
McCormick, Nathalie Reading Old Letters: Another View on History
McCusker, Irene Hats Timeline
McKenna, Paul The 1704 Attack on Deerfield: Three Perspectives
McLatchy, Kerri They used this for...?
McLatchy, Kerri The Bridge of Flowers: New and Old
McLaughlin, Charlotte The Price of Loyalty
mead, susan Story Problems Now and Then
Mendez, Sara Do Your Work!
messer, marsha A Day in the Life
Meunier, Matthew Are You Feeling a Draft?
Mieczkowski, Wendy Homemade Toys From The Early 1800's.
Milner, Roberta Make a Silhouette Portrait
Milner, Roberta Quilts Tell Stories
Monaco, Jonelle Life in New England Settlements (1600-1800)
Monaco, Jonelle The Abolitionist Movement in New England
Monaco, Jonelle Once Upon a Time
Moner, Meriel Please Pass the Butter
Moner, Meriel Touch of a Feather
Morrissey, Rana A comparative study on children's items across the centuries
Morse, Joanna American Women Boycott British Goods
Morse, Joanna World War I Propaganda from a World History Perspective
Morse, Joanna Mind the Children!
Morse, Joanna Can Students Make a Difference?
Mottola, Julie Transportation Time Line
Mullen, Christine Geography Over the Centuries
Mullen, Christine The Making of Santa Claus
Mullen, Christine The Mill River Calamity
Mullen, Christine The Mill Bell Rings
Mullen, Christine Maple Sugaring: A New England Tradition
mullin, judith The Big Divide
Murry, Dawn Quilted and Cozy
murry, dawn Diary Deductions
Naglieri, Kristen Colonial Tradesmen
Naglieri, Kristen School- Then and Now
Naiman, Anna Early American Self- Portrait Painting
Newman, Tina Now and Then - Comparison of maps old and new
Niedel, Kate Abigail Adams' Gifts to America
Nieman, Roxanne Simple Machines, Then and Now
Nolan, Anne-Marie Home Sweet Home
O'Brien, Abby Schools of Yesterday and Today
O'Brien, Joan Shays' Rebellion - Catalyst for the Constitution
O'Brien, Lawrence Strangers in the Valley
O'Brien, Lawrence It's Greek (and Roman) to me
o'neil, bill Thanksgiving: The Real Meal
O'Shea, Kathleen Reading For Fun
O'Shea, Kathleen Making A Clean Sweep
Oliver, Christine STEP INTO THE PAST
Oliver, Christine What Happened Here? A study of change in Chicopee.
Oliver, Christine Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the The March on Washington
ONEIL, Rose Early Housing Comparison
Opalenik, Ann Public Education in the 1800's
Orzel, Alison The Industrial Revolution Spreads to Western Mass
Orzel, Alison Living at the Time of the First World War
Owen, Chris Modern Day New England Primer
Parsons, Matthew Africans in America
Patch, Alyson Analyzing Historical Fiction: Boy Captive of Old Deerfield
Patch, Alyson Town Meeting: Democracy in Action
PEASE, NORENE Who's Sicker and Why? Influenza 1918 and 2009?
Pelis, Susan I'm Going to the first Harvest Feast.
Penniman, Val A Cultural Math Lesson - Rum vs. Water
Perron, Elizabeth Map Making as a Culminating Activity
Petrin, Denise Exploring Immigration
Petruski, Linda Butter Making Then and Now
Phelon, Susan Review Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Phelon, Susan Propaganda
Piers-Gamble, Dawne From Rags to Riches
Piers-Gamble, Dawne Children’s Work
Piers-Gamble, Dawne Massachusetts' Complicity in Slavery 1640-1865
Pinkham, Tracey Pursuit of Freedom
Piper, Jeff Boston Massacre?
Pree, Megan Investigating African American History
Pree, Megan Responsibilities of your Local Government
Racine, Norman World War One and Americans' Response to the Conflict
Ralls, Kathleen Breaking Out of Isolationism: Ominous Predictions of 1918
Ramsden, Diana Nature's Bounty
Recore, Stephanie Stories from the Past - designed for special needs students
Recore, Stephanie What did local residents think of George Washington?
Regan, Karen Harriet Tubman
Richard, Heather The Growth of Virtue: 200 Years of Debate
Richard-Harrington, Gabrielle The Landscape of Sunderland
Richards, Linda A Child's Daily Routine- Then and Now
rinaldi, lori " No Taxation Without Representation!"
rivest, mary Northern Slavery
Robinson, Kimberly Grammar Schools: Yesterday and Today
Robinson, Kimberly Yesterday's Child at Play
Roche, Lori Farm For Sale
Rockstroh, Richard Life on the Frontier
Rockstroh, Richard Thinking about Custer's Last Battle
Rockstroh, Richard Getting your bearings! HANDS ON 1704!
Rodriguez, Holly "Four Little Girls"
Rogers, Jeremy The Story is in the Details
Rogers, Jeremy The Great Trolley Debate
Ross, Robert The Civil War Draft
Ross, Susan The Politics of Women's Suffrage
Rubin, Benjamin An Investigation of Tools: A Historical Perspective
Rumplik, Tammy Comparing Schools Then and Now
Russo, Thomas Harnessing Water Power
Salinetti, Amy To Live by the Golden Rule
Samuels, Emily Tune It Up: Singing Together
Samuels, Emily Dancing the Night Away
Sanger, Michelle Harvesting Ice in New England
santos, maria Is there a Civil War Monument in your Town?
Scholz, Karen Women during World War II
Scorzafava, Lorelie Taking Sides During The American Revolution
Scott, Beaulieu Supply, Demand and Interdependency: Then and Now
Scott, Beaulieu The Five Themes of Geography through Historical Maps
Scott, Beaulieu Interpreting American History through Art
Scott, Kathleen Someone's in the kitchen...
Scott, Kathleen Keeping the Cool: Shipping Ice from New England to India
Scott, Kathleen Going to the Fair
Scott, Kathryn Civil War Regimental and Brigade Bands
Shattuck, Sally Planning My Trip to a New Home
Shipman, Robert Rationing in the United States during World War II
Shotland, Terry Effects of the Great Depression in the Ct. River Valley
Silverman, Mark New Slaves on the Block
Silverman, Mark Little Rock or Bussed
Silverman, Mark Oh! Wilderness! or How do you make a town on the frontier?
Silverman, Mark Mr. Bill Goes to Washington
Silverman, Mark Two Cities upon a Hill
Silvester, Sue Two Select Schools in Buckland
Silvester, Susan What was life like for Ida Miller (1856-1932) of Shelburne?
Silvester, Susan The Three Marys
Skorupski, Janine A Childhood Lost
Slattery, Kevin Light comparisons; Then and Now
Smith, Carol Exploring Artifacts in a Picture Book
Smith, Carol The Quilt-Block History of Pioneer Days
Smith, Jason Patriotic Symbols during the Civil War
smith, jason The Lyceum as a Forum for Public Discussion in Massachusetts
Smith, Patty Connecting Links to the Past with Local Artifacts
Smith, Tracy The Three Sisters
sokol, betsy Buildings of Asher Benjamin, architect-the golden ratio
Sole, Chantalle Paul Revere's Engraving of The Boston Massacre
Sowa, Nick "Town Hall Meeting" on Shays' Rebellion
St.Martin, Melissa Apparel Then and Now
St.Martin, Melissa Read, Write, and Interpret Primary Sources
Stafford, Leslie Learning Tools
Stafford, Leslie A Lesson in Community- Looking at our community through maps
Stapert, Mike Native Americans Through a Distorted Lens
Stearns, Judy A Child in 1707
Sullivan, Kelley Using Geometry to Explore Houses in Deerfield
Sullivan, Kelley Kitchen Classification
Tafel, Carol The Extraordinary Benjamin Franklin
Tafel, Carol The Boston Tea Party
Tafel, Carol The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
Tafel, Carol The Constitution of the United States
Tarnauskas, Jane The Importance of Children's Chores in the 19th Century
tarnauskas, jane Memento Mori Symbols as a Reflection of Cultural Values
Taylor, Deborah Trees: A Tremendous Natural Resource
taylor, deborah Getting into Shapes
Taylor, Deborah Things Change, Yet Stay the Same: Childhood Then and Now
Taylor, Scott Can Anyone Feel A Draft
Therrien, Kelly Cooking with the Gingerbread Man
Thomas, Russo The Origin and Aftermath of Lake Hitchcock
Tim , Caira Cooking Popcorn - Then and Now
Tonelli-Green, Ginny Controversy over the Vietnam War
Toy, Alexis Quilting as a Representation of Family History
Tracy, Ramsey Women's Tools- What's my use?
Tumal, Jane A Time in History
Turcotte, Phillip Goods, Goods and More Goods
Turcotte, Phillip Farming Back Then and WAY BACK Then
turner bruffee, jean Early American Games
Urban, Jane Emily Dickinson--who are you?
Urban, Jane Beautiful quilts, beautiful geometry
V, Ellen The Five Themes of Geography
V, Ellen Opening Our Eyes and Our Cameras When Studying History
Vadnais, Blanche A Bulletin Board: Children , Now and Then.
Valley, Vicki Anti-Slavery in New England
Valley, Vicki Founding of Turners Falls, MA
Valley, Vicki Progressive Era/Local Aspects Linked to the National Story
Vanderpoel, Deborah Picturing yourself as a child laborer in the late 1800's
Vanderpoel, Deborah The Many Uses of the Connecticut River
vanderpoel, deborah From Peacefulness to Peril, but Who's to Blame?
vanderpoel, deborah Irish Immigration and Industrialization in Holyoke, MA
VanGelder, Elaine Rise and Fall of the Industrial Era in Massachusetts
Vignone, Stephanie The Power of Pictures: Political Cartoons
Vignone, Stephanie Butter Making
Vignone, Stephanie Poetry Recitation
Vohl Hamilton, Joan A Captive Audience: Biased Lessons of the 1800's
Von Flatern, Ellen Pin The Label On The Building
Von Flatern, Ellen Understanding the Role of Legends in Local History
Von Flatern, Ellen Sunderland Bridges Falling Down
wagner, carol Making a crossword on women's clothing
Wagner, Polly Quilts that Tessellate
Walaszek, Ann Learning From Musical Instruments
Waldoch, Terez Early Shoes in Massachusetts
Walsh, Jacqueline The Great Catastrophe
Warren, Beth How do we occupy our free time?
Wartel, Karen Feelings of Color
Weinstein, Johanna Making Tracks to Canada: Map Skills
Weinstein, Johanna Simulated Archeological Dig of Native American Artifacts
weinstein, johanna What Do Graveyards Tell Us?
Weinstein, Johanna Looking Critically - Two Factory Images
Wells, Suzanne Living and Non-Living Things
Wells, Suzanne What to Wear? What to Wear?
Wells, Suzanne Top Chef
West, Lisa A Local Look at World War I Through Artifacts - Activity 1 -
West, Lisa A Local Look at World War I through Artifacts - Activity 4
West, Lisa Shays's Rebellion and American Promises
West, Lisa Polish Immigrants in Turners Falls, Massachusetts
West, Lisa Spiritualism at Lake Pleasant in Montague, Massachusetts
White, Kevin Bridging the Gaps
White, Kevin Bridging the Gaps Scavenger Hunt
Williford, Patricia What's My Use?
wolejko, dianne Raid on Deerfield 1704- Through the Eyes of the Survivors
wolejko, dianne A Grave Lesson
Wood, Andrew Don't forget the Tories! Differing views of the Revolution
Wood, Denise Child's Play
Wood, Denise The Shape of Things to Come
Yell, Ann The Impact of WWII on New England Families at Home
Yell, Ann That Was Then... This Is Now
Zabek, Jen Recreating the Modern Toy
ziemba, mez Dancing With Angels
Zywiak, Mary Jane The education of young ladies in the 18th and 19th centuries
Zywiak, Mary Jane Democracy and Classical Influences in the Colonial Period
Zywiak, Mary Jane Fourth of July Jubilee 1826


There are 605 lessons in this list.

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